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ERP or Postmodern ERP?

Which approach is the best for your IT infrastructure?  The Evolution of business technology The term Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ...

Unified Ledgers v Modular Ledgers – what’s the difference?

And why do unified ledger accounting systems improve automation and real-time reporting? If you were to search ...

Cloud-Native vs Cloud-Hosted — A Guide through the Storm

Cloud computing has seen huge growth since 2010, with global spend on cloud services currently at over ...

brown abaca

The Changing Skill Set in Accountancy

There is a lot of talk within this community and wider afield of the changing skillset for ...

How the right accounting and finance tools can help your company succeed

Modern Business has changed. It isn’t about IT. It isn’t about software. It’s not even about you. ...

seven hardbound books on black surface

A (very) Brief History of Accounting

A background into how the accounting industry evolved into what it is now… The first examples of ...

Change neon light signage

The Drivers of Change in the World of Finance and Accounting

Two-and-a-half thousand years after Heraclitus claimed that “the only constant in this world is change”, his ...

Survey Results Analysis Discovery Investigation Concept

Preparing for a Company Exit: GrowCFO Community Poll Results

Delivering a successful exit represents a huge achievement for any CFO and provides a significant career milestone. Finance leaders are ...

Frustrated businessman sitting at desk

What do you call an unbalanced group consolidated trial balance? A late night.

My background is 16 years of experience working for FTSE100 and Fortune20 multi-national Insurance and Financial Services companies and I ...

Finance Leader Interviews

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